
  • information 不可数

    If you would like to participate in this contest, please pay attention to the following information.


  • remember to do

    Finally, remember to submit your application to contest@stu-union.com.
  • to some extend 某种程度上

    However, we also have to admit that our society is, to some extent, undergoing a crisis of moral decline.
  • take up social responsibility
  • crack down upon

    In fact, what our society needs is a long-term mechanism to crack down upon food waste.


  • induce 劝说

    This cartoon intends to induce people to focus on the issue of food waste
  • thriftiness 节俭

    Meanwhile, our main-stream media and schools should also play a role in enhancing public awareness of thriftiness.


  • 食品浪费

    a middle-aged man is sitting at the dinner table and overconsuming his meal.
Last modification:March 16, 2023